Porsche 930 Register
VIN: 9307800101

Body: | Coupé |
Model year: | 1977 |
Production date: | 1976/10/31 |
Engine No.: | 6870064 |
Gearbox No.: | 770161 |
Original color: | casablanca beige metallic |
Options: | brown lether |
first delivery: Malibu, California, USA (Dealer: Roth Porsche-Audi Inc in Salem, Oregon)
second onwer: Beverly Hills, California, USA
third onwer: Los Angeles, California, USA
engine rebuild: 70972 mi (114218 km)
new main, rod & intermediate bearings, new Goetze piston ring set, replaced rocker arm shafts, valve job with new guides, springs, stem seals & valves where needed, Crankshaft was inspected, micro polished – standard spec. Replace chains, ramps, idler pulley gears, cam drive gears. Inspect Turbo, Replaced Injectors & mounting blocks. Installed new cap rotor and spark plugs. (New clutch assembly was also installed)
engine rebuild: 70972 mi (114218 km)
new main, rod & intermediate bearings, new Goetze piston ring set, replaced rocker arm shafts, valve job with new guides, springs, stem seals & valves where needed, Crankshaft was inspected, micro polished – standard spec. Replace chains, ramps, idler pulley gears, cam drive gears. Inspect Turbo, Replaced Injectors & mounting blocks. Installed new cap rotor and spark plugs. (New clutch assembly was also installed)
LTI Cars, Sausheim, France
milage: 72168 mi (116140 km)
original condition
offer: 167930 EUR
milage: 72168 mi (116140 km)
original condition
offer: 167930 EUR