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The Porsche 911 turbo
Everything about the type 930, the turbo of the first and second generation.

Colors of the 911 turbo

This is al list of all colors, which were available for the Porsche 911 from 1975 to 1989.

I would like to show a examle photo for every color. If you have a 930 and you will support me, then please send a photo with the color code and name to me.

Structure of the color number

Over time, Porsche used different compositions of the color numbers.

before 1977
443 - 9 - 3
  1. Color number
  2. Paint factory
    8 = Karmann or licensed partner
    9 = Porsche
  3. Paint manufacturer
    1 = Lesonal, 2 = Glasurit,
    3 = Herberts, 4 = Standox

Color Table

The Porsche Invidual Service complied every color wishes. So it's possible, to find Porsche 930 in many other colors. If you have some informations about special colors, please contact me.
modell yearcolor codegermanenglishfrenchitalianphoto
kupferbraun diamant metalliccopper bronze metallicimage icon
diamantsahara metallic
1978*T5moccabraunmocha brownmoccamarrone scuro
1978*Z6braun kupferdiamantcopper brown metallicbrun cuivré métallisémarrone metallizzato
1978, 1980*D1kaschmirbeigecashmire beigebeige cachemirebeige
1978, 1980*T3cockneybraunbitter chocolatemarron cockneymarrone
1980*X4opal metalliccasablanca beige metallicbeige métallisébeige metallizzato
1980*X5tabac metallictabacco metallicbrun tabac métallisétabacco metallizzato
1980*Z6braunkupfer metalliccopper brown metallicbrun cuivré métallisémarrone metallizzato
1981*X7palisander metallicrosewood metallicmarron palissandre métallisémarrone scuro metallizzato
1981-1982*T2burnusbrauncaramelterre de siennemarrone chiaro
1982*D2bambusbeigebamboobeige bamboubeige chiaro
1982*U9palisander metallicrosewood metallicmarron palissandre métallisémarrone scuro metallizzato
1983-1984*X5rauchquarz metallicquartz grey metallicquartz fumé métallisémarrone metallizzato
1985*S1muskatbraun metallic
1987-1988*F4nougatbraun metallic
1987-1988*F6espressobraun metallic
1989*Z7cognacbraun metallic
* confirmed by Porsche 911 turbo brochures